This week has been some what of an emotional roller coaster in which I have ended on a low, or blah-ish note.

The beginning of the week saw me having an on going battle with my boss. Who's name shall be undisclosed to keep me safe!
To get it into perspective, I am a fantastic employee and my boss thinks I am the worst person to walk the planet!
We've been arguing for weeks now and it came to an unpleasant one on one conversation. This conversation used words like "redundancy" and "stop texting my husband" It got too overwhelming for me so I stepped outside for a moment and wished I was a smoker so I could have one cigarette to calm my emotions. My thoughts then raced into "Cigarettes? Grose!"
Finally it got to the weekend. I was so excited to finally put my feet up and spend some quality time with my boyfriend, however, I had found out that he has been having lunches with his EX GIRLFRIEND, and spending MY MONEY! As you may have noticed, I was VERY upset about this, ultimately leading to a 3 hour argument which involved screaming, crying and a storm-off. Once things calmed down a bit we did what we always do and just, forgot about it.
I'm not to sure if this is a healthy way to deal with relationship quarrels, but that's just how we roll.

I'm also hoping to grab a drink with a few friends this afternoon.

Until next time, Cya.

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